Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well I can now officially say that I have carved at object out of Spam. This is unlike any other art midterm I have ever had to complete before but I would accept this over a test anyday. At first when we were asked if we would rather work with Spam or soap I initially thought soap was the way to go. However, after thinking about it for a few minutes and knowing that we would have manipulate them in some way or another I knew that Spam would probably be the better choice.
"Tea Time"
The Spam Contest Winner!
By: Savanna Barnett
After we got our official assignment on Tuesday I was glad I stuck with my choice Spam seeing as we were going to have to carve something. The hardest part about this whole assignment was trying to figure out which object to carve in the first place. Spam is an odd shape so some of my initial ideas went out the widow. Finally, I had an idea in place! With a steak knife and exacto knife in hand it started carving away at my Spam. It was fairly easy to carve I just had to be careful that I didn't cut away too much. After I got the shape that I wanted I rubbed the Spam to give it a smoother look. At last my Spam tea-cup was complete. Hope I have a shot at the prize! I'm looking forward to seeing the my classmates creations.

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